Meet our team

Team leader
Karine Clément PU-PH APHP-SU
Administrative agent
Carmel Yarou Sonkpian
Theme 1: Progression of obesity and related complications: role of gut microbiota?
Theme leaders
Karine Clément PU-PH APHP-SU
Judith Aron-Wisnewsky MCU-PH APHP-SU
Tiphaine Le Roy CRCN INSERM
Christine Poitou PU-PH APHP-SU
Sébastien André MCU SU
Véronique Mateo MCU SU
Hédi Soula PU SU
Véronique Pelloux AI SU
Post-Docs & PhD Students
Solia Adriouch Post-Doc SU
Rafael Patino-Navarrete IR INSERM
Pierre Emmanuel To Volard
PhD Student SU
Paul Taillandier PhD Student SU
Theme 2: Intestine as a key player in metabolic disorders
Theme leaders
Agnès Ribeiro CR1 INSERM
Patricia Serradas PU SU
Sébastien André MCU SU
Hédi Soula PU SU
Christine Poitou PU-PH APHP-SU
Fabrizio Andreelli PU-PH APHP-SU
Chloé Amouyal MCU-PH APHP SU
Céline Osinski IE SU
Laurent Genser MCU-PH APHP
Véronique Mateo MCU SU
Post-Docs & PhD students
Manon Castel
Dounia Moret
Theme 3: Adipose tissue remodelling in obesity, fibrosis and ageing.
Theme leaders
Geneviève Marcelin CRCN INSERM
Isabelle Dugail DR2 INSERM
Judith Aron-Wisnewsky MCU-PH APHP-SU
Fatiha Merabtene Technician SU
Véronique Pelloux AI SU
Christine Rouault IR INSERM
Jimon Abatan
Simon Lecoutre CR INSERM
Post-Docs & PhD Students
Romane Higos PhD Student SU
Theme 4: Systems’ biology and data integration
Theme leaders
Hédi Soula PU SU
Flavien Jacques IE INSERM
Jean Daniel Zucker Associate Member IRD
Edi Prifti Associate Member IRD
Post-Docs & PhD Students
Solia Adriouch Post-Doc SU
Alois Dauger
PhD Student SU
Theme 5: Translating our fundamental research for the benefit of patients
Theme leaders
Christine Poitou PU-PH APHP-SU
Judith Aron-Wisnewsky MCU-PH APHP-SU
Béatrice Dubern PU-PH APHP-SU
Patrick Tounian PU-PH APHP-SU
Véronique Pelloux AI SU
Florence Marchelli Attaché APHP
Post-Docs & PhD Students
Emilie Guillon
PhD Student SU

Former members

Nicolas Venteclef CR1
Arnault Leclerc Technician
Sothea Touch PhD Student, IR
Carla Da-Cunha Technician
Hedi Soussi PhD Student
Estelle Devevre PhD Student
Amine Toubal PhD Student
Charles Caer PhD Student
Danièle Lacasa CR1
Joan Tordjman MCU
Maria Pini PhD Student, IE
Yuejun Liu PhD Student
Marc Ambrosini IE
Maria-Carlotta Dao Post-Doc
Brandon Kayser Post-Doc
Chloé Amouyal PhD Student
Julie Lemale PhD Student
Karen Assman Post-Doc
Ari Ugarte IR
David Dernecourt PhD Student
Marc Ambrosini Master 2 Student (UPMC)
Indira Toillon Master 2 Student (UPMC)
Sooyeon Um Master 2 Student (UPMC)
Océane Kacimi Master 1 Student (UPMC)
Jonathan Druge Master 1 Student (UPMC)
Garance de Turenne Master 2 Student (Oniris)
Marie-Perle Mathieu Master 2 Student (UP7)
Martha Guy-Grand 2nd year Medicine Student (UP6)
Alkis Manoussakis 5th year Pharmacy Student (UPSUD)
Jessica McKelvey 6th year Medicine Student (UCF, USA)
Marie Jourdain Master 1 Student (UPMC)
Pauline Busieau Master 2 Student (UP7)/Medicine intern
Alexandre Cousin Master 2 Student
Romain Davesne Master 2 Student
Florian Marquet
Tatiana Shpakova Post-Doc
Adèle Weber PhD Student
Nataliya Sokolovska MCU
Camille Gamblin IE
Cindy Rose PhD Student
Michelle Guerre-Millo Dr Emeritus
Lise Voland PhD Student
Emilie Steinbach
PhD Student
Marta Vazquez Gomez
Joelle Obeid Habibi
Elie-Julien El Hachem PhD Student
Clémentine Rebière PhD Student